Background What is RWH Methods Technology Urban Technology Rural Advantages      

Many countries in the world have adopted rainwater harvesting methods to overcome water scarcity. Some of them are U.S.A., Germany, Japan, Australia, Egypt, Israel, Spain, Sweden, Russia, Mexico, and France etc. Israel where rainwater is scanty has become self sufficient in its water requirements by adopting various rain water harvesting techniques. This demonstrates the worthiness of Rainwater Harvesting.
In our motherland, we get more rainwater during the monsoons. Proper Rainwater Harvesting method adopted to conserve them will help us to overcome scarcity, which is looming large day by day.
Rainwater Harvesting will not only solve the drinking water problem, but also will increase the soil moisture content and fertility. This in turn will result in more food and cash crop yields more production will enhance the income and will bring about a change in the living conditions of the people for the better. The cumulative effect will be shown on the country’s economy itself.
Rainwater Harvesting will increase the green cover and add to the scenic beauty of the country. Other living species like birds and animals, which depend on the environmental conditions, will be able to thrive better.

Simple Rainwater Harvesting methods have the capability of setting the country on the road to prosperity. If the individuals, companies and the government adopt Rainwater Harvesting with a serious concern, then India can be placed on the map of developed countries.
Artificial Recharge Advantages
Stem the Decline of water levels.
Supplement Existing Supplies.
Remove suspended solids by Filtration through Soil.
Store cycle water surplus for use in dry periods.
Prevent seawater intrusion.

Other Added Advantages are

Increase in Crop yields
Minimization if crack Formation on Walls
Improvement of water quality
Cost of recharge to sub-surface reservoir is lower than surface reservoirs.
The aquifer serves as distribution system also.
No land is wasted for storage purpose and no population displacement is involved.
Ground water is not directly exposed to evaporation and pollution.
Storing water underground is environment friendly.
It increases the productivity of aquifer.
It reduces flood hazards.
Effects rise in ground water levels.
Mitigates the effects of drought.
Reduces soil erosion.
  A variety of techniques used to recharge the ground water artificially depending upon the topography and the purposes, but the basic concept adopted is percolation.
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