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It is now widely accepted that climate change will lead to an intensification of the global hydrological cycle and will have a major impact on regional water resources. It is also clear that in many parts of the world, variability in climate conditions, next to many socio-economic and environmental developments is already having major impacts and that such variability is increasing. Both present variability and long-term climate change impacts are most severe in the developing world and particularly affect the poor in these regions.

The most high profile issue on the table of every Prime Minister and President is the global climate change negotiations. The water problems are affecting the economy of the world and it could be said that the global economy runs on water.

We at KRG India Research Centre have an opportunity to grow as a company/economical unit, as we have developed latest technologies to make full and best possible use of “Rainwater” as a solution to all the problems related to the environment and global climate change. The technologies developed by us on Rainwater harvesting are very simple and increasingly becoming the scientific and cost effective technology to get a lasting solution to overcome the emerging water shortage, to stop sea water intrusion at coastal regions, to develop coastal ground water bed, to develop thick forest on coastal regions, to control floods, to reduce drought effects, to develop dry zone and most importantly recharging the dry and dead rivers.

As a experienced professionals and member of the World Water Forum (WWF) the world’s largest association for the water issues—we have been working during office and non-office hours on the issues related to water problems and environment in India since 1996. With challenge we assure that against all odds we can use ‘rain water’ as a successful “weapon” against climatic changes.
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