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We are pioneer and eye-opener in the field of rainwater harvesting to the world. We have studied and successfully executed various projects on rainwater harvesting and environment for different state governments as well as central government in India.

The KRG group has over 30 years of experience in providing valuable environmental services to its clients. The surging demand for innovative methods and systems for water conservation to recharge the depleting aquifers of water extraction structures saw the launching of KRG India in the year 1996. The company has donned expertise by handling different types of rainwater harvesting methods as it consists of a group of professionals who are engaged in studying and implementing ground water developments, Artificial Recharge Structures, based on the system and techniques of rainwater harvesting.

The Team comprises experts from various disciplines like Geology, Hydrogeology, Remote sensing, Ground water modeling etc., who can undertake Technical Feasibility Study on rainwater harvesting systems and techniques and implement the recommendations to find a lasting solution for the existing problems of water scarcity for Drinking, Irrigation and environmental development.

Today we are one of the foremost and prestigious organizations working on water and environment in India; we have studied and successfully executed various projects on rainwater harvesting and environment for different state governments and same for the corporate.

Conservation rainwater is known as Rainwater Harvesting. When the average rainfall is 1000mm, approximate 10,000 liters of rainwater collected in one acre of land after evaporation. Rainwater harvesting can be done in two ways:

  1. Collecting and storing
  2. Artificial Recharging
Collecting and Sorting

This method involves saving the precious drops of rain where they fall. During the monsoon when the rainfall is plenty, rainwater can be collected and stored in order to make use of it later. This will prevent Freshwater from being wasted uncaringly. This method can be adopted by independent house, flats, as well as industrial house. Approximately 700 liters of water can be collected from one ground in a day when there is a normal rainfall.

This method involves:

  1. Diverting
  2. Filtering
  3. Storing

During the monsoon, the raindrops that fall on the roof and on the ground can be gathered to provide a good quality of freshwater supply. In order to save them properly, they have to be delivered towards a particular storage point. The Water from the rooftops can be directed towards an opening by providing mild slopes. This opening connected with PVC pipe will enable the water to flow down to a tank or a well. Runoff water on the ground surface should be blocked by compound walls and by raising the level near the gate. Storm water drains inside the premises should have a 6 boundary wall to ensure that the rainwater does not rush into the drains immediately.


Rainwater collected from the rooftops and from the surface run of the ground will have lot of impurities in them. It has to be filtered to clear the fifth. For this filter tank before being stored. This will prevent silts being deposited in the storage well or tank. Filtering will prevent enable to harvest a good quality freshwater usage.


The collected water needs to be stored. It has to be preserved to draw out whenever necessary. From this a well of good depth suitable to the prevailing soil condition should construct. It should be covered to prevent dust and other particles from failing into the water and polluting it. It should be cleaned periodically to remove any deposit of silt. A good maintenance will enable perennial fresh water supply.

Artificial Recharge

When rainwater falls on the ground some of it seeps into the ground. This is called percolation. The quantity of seepage depends upon the soil conditions. The percolated water join the Aquifers May be scientifically defined as a formation that contains sufficient saturated permeable material to yield significant quantities of water to a wells, bore wells etc. This underground water is a valuable economic commodity. Artificial Recharge is a process of augmenting this underground water table by artificial infiltration of rainwater and the surface run off.

  • Stem the Decline of water levels.
  • Supplement Existing Supplies.
  • Remove suspended solids by Filtration Through Soil.
  • Store cycle water surplus for use in dry periods.
  • Prevent seawater intrusion.
Other Added Advantages are:
  • Increase in Crop yields
  • Minimization if crack Formation on Walls
  • Improvement of water quality

A variety of method used to recharge the ground water artificially depending upon the topography and the purposes. But the basic concept adopted is percolation

Artificial Recharge in Independent Houses, Flats and Campuses

Whenever there are open ground the topsoil is removed and filled with river sand. As river sand is loosely packed. It allows water to percolate down quickly.

To make water to percolate down the soil, percolation pits are made when there is a paved pathway. Percolation pits are square pits filled with small pebbles or brick jelly and river sand. Then they are covered with perforated concrete slabs whenever necessary.

Whenever the depth of the clay soil is more, recharge through percolation pits with bore is preferable. The bores are deep pits to the dimension of about 10 internal diameter and about 20 to 25 depth depending on the soil condition. This bore can be at the center of square pit.

Bathing water and water used for washing purpose can be directed to the open ground nearby to percolate down. This will help to retrain the soil moisture. However the connecting pipe should have an U shaped bend which will act like water seal not allowing insects to enter into the bathroom. A chemical sprayed in the water will prevent mosquitoes from breeding in it.

Artificial Recharge in Towns and Cities

The runoff water generated in monsoon within an area can be well utilized for ground water recharging by diverting it into suitably designed recharge structures in public parks, play grounds, stadiums, airports, station, temple tanks etc. storm water drains should be designed in such a way that two separate segments are made so as to accommodate water coming from houses and water coming from roads. The segment on the side of the road should be covered with perforated slabs and should have percolation pits of depth 20 to 50 ft. depending on the soil condition at regular intervals. Huge quantity of sewage water generated from the domestic segment can be separated and reclaimed through soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT). This treated water can be used for recharging dry rivers for irrigation purpose.

Artificial Recharge in Industries

In industrial set up rainwater, collection from the roof area can be used for coolants and cutting oil. Treated water from the affluent treatment plant can be utilized for maintaining the green belt. Special type of plants and trees, which absorb the nutrients like magnesium, Ammonium Sulphate, nitrogen etc. which are otherwise harmful can be planted to reduce the ill effects. Factories should not keep the smudges in an open ground, as it will pollute the underground water. Rainwater from monsoons should be made to percolate the soil to dilute the underground water. This will minimize the harmful effects of the water from the affluent treatment plant.

Artificial Recharge in Farms and Irrigation Lands

Depending on the terrain, geology and gradient different method are adopted in the farms and irrigation lands. The maneuver involves storing, spreading, percolating and blocking. Due to severe depletion of groundwater level many open wells, bore wells and hand pumps are being dried. Instead of discarding them, they can be converted into useful recharge wells.

In Gradient lands where there are slopes, construction of bunds will slow down the run of water, enabling stagnation and slow percolation. Where there are deep slopes, trenches and a series of ponds are made. In this method, water is stored in ponds and the overflowing water spreads and percolates saturating the entire area.

In plain flat terrain, storing ponds are built along with canals. Canals have trenches. Recharging wells are built with proper desilting arrangement in between. In a rocky region, thorough study must be made to locate the potential aquifers. Infiltration is possible to enhance the aquifers by recharge wells.

In a totally dry land, sieve plantation is adopted to convert it into a fertile land. Pitting, bunding and planting are done together in this system. On riverbeds, construction of Bandharas helps to enhance recharging. Bandharas are nothing but concrete walls or impermeable soil, built across the river but below the riverbed at regular intervals. This will act as underground reservoirs and recharge the surrounding area.

Biological and Soil Aquifer Treatment

This is a method, which is found to be highly effective and useful in wastewater management. This biological treatment is otherwise known as wastewater treatment by Bioenzyme. Usage of water is on the increase and the means are diminishing. Hence, the best way to maximize usage of water is to recycle the used water for further use.

Reprocessing the used water is given predominance in foreign countries to make optimum use of water available.

Developed countries are resorting to primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater. These treatments are expensive. Therefore, we have to make use of an alternative cost effective treatment known as Biological Treatment cum SAT filtering system in our country. The quantity of wastewater is on the increase whether water is available or not due to the ever increasing population. Therefore, it is imperative to look into the possibility of treating this water and utilizing it for some specific purposes.

In the biological treatment Actizyme, pellets are added to septic tanks, grease traps, drainage trenches, bathroom, sewage system etc. These pellets contain natural, safe and eco friendly bacteria. They are safe to use and handle. They are harmless as conferred by SGS India Ltd. Vide their report no.59 dated 26.04.99. They eat up the suspended solids that clog the system after breaking them down and improve ground water absorption.

Advantages of this process are:
  • Reduced Odors (including Sulphide)
  • Reduced BOD Levels
  • Reduced Turbidity And Suspended Solids
  • Reduced Ammonia And Nitrogen
  • Reduce Grease And Fat Levels
  • Reduced Total Solids
  • Reduced Sludge Levels
  • Prevent Blockages
  • Clean pipes
  • Improves The Wastewater System

At the first step an initial dosage of Actizyme, pellets are used to clean and condition the system. Then the maintenance dosage is introduced on regular basis to enable the microorganisms to establish tremendous multiplication. This will enable them to flourish replacing the natural losses in the system. The rate of dosage varies depending on the hydraulic and organic loads. Biologically treated water is then further treated by passing through the Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT). Treated water can be used for flushing toilets, to maintain soil moisture, for recharge purposes and for irrigation. Other added advantages of Biological treatment are low cost, low power consumption and minimum operation hassles. Hence, this method is very popular in advanced countries like Australia.

Scientific Tools

Detailed studies are now being conducted to evaluate the possibility and feasibility os harvesting rainwater and converting wasteland into fertile land. Many Scientific tools are now in use for the purpose.

Scientific Tools at use are:
  • Visual Aerial Photo Interpretation.
  • Hydro Geological Investigation.
  • Pumping Test.
  • Electrical Earth Resistively.
  • Geochemical Survey.
  • Remote Sensing Study.
  • GIS Analysis.
  • Computer Interpretation.
  • Digital Elevation Modeling.
  • Geophysical Survey.
  • Identification of hydro geologically potential zones for few water extraction structures like bore wells and dug wells (open wells.)
  • Design of Artificial Recharge Structures like Percolation ponds, Recharge wells, Percolation pits, Mini Artificial Aquifer System (MAAS), Sectorial Recharge Structures, etc.
  • Detailed geophysical study in the form of Vertical Electrical Soundings to study the variations in the subsurface formations and to delineate favorable zones for Artificial Recharge Structures.
  • Suitable Artificial Recharge Structures for water extraction structures like bore wells and open wells.
  • Conversion of defunct bore wells and dry dug wells into recharge wells.
  • Introduction of roof water harvesting systems for all available individual and multi-storied buildings.
  • Design of Structures to recharge the available lineaments and deep buried pediments.
  • Design of Recharge Structures for Paleo Channels, if available.
  • Identifying suitable areas for Percolation Ponds, other surface and subsurface bodies.
  • Recharge Structures for available storm water drains.
  • Recommendations for Biological Treatment of Sullage water and introduction of Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT)
  • Preparation of necessary maps.
  • Identifying areas for Check dams, barriers, gully plugs, etc.
  • Identification of suitable area for percolation ponds, sub surface dykes, etc.
  1. Curriculum book named Rainwater Harvesting Systems, Management & Study
  2. GHED Development Plan (River & Canal Linking Project)
  3. Rainwater Harvesting plan for National Highways to check Climate Change
  4. Traffic and Water Logging Solutions for City of Mumbai
  5. Bank Hospital A unique concept
  6. Vision Vishwamitri
  7. Climate Change and Water stress Solutions for Dubai (UAE)
  8. 33 Municipalities In Gujarat
  9. 14 Municipalities In Andhra Pradesh State
  10. GHED Development Plan, Gujarat Govt
  11. TATA Jamshedpur
  12. Indian Oil Corporation Ennore, Chennai
  13. ITC Welcome hotel, Baroda
  14. Loyola College, Chennai
  15. PepsiCo. India Holding Ltd. Jhagadia, Bharuch
  16. Hiranandani Constuctions Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, Maharasta.
  17. Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Ramanagar TQ, Bangalore.
  18. L & T Ltd, 375 Gas based Power Plant at Dhuvaran, Dist. Anand, Gujarat

Many countries in the world have adopted rainwater harvesting methods to overcome water scarcity. Some of them are U.S.A., Germany, Japan, Australia, Egypt, Israel, Spain, Sweden, Russia, Mexico, and France etc. Israel where rainwater is scanty has become self sufficient in its water requirements by adopting various rain water harvesting techniques. This demonstrates the worthiness of Rainwater Harvesting. In our motherland, we get more rainwater during the monsoons. Proper Rainwater Harvesting method adopted to conserve them will help us to overcome scarcity, which is looming large day by day. Rainwater Harvesting will not only solve the drinking water problem, but also will increase the soil moisture content and fertility. This in turn will result in more food and cash crop yields more production will enhance the income and will bring about a change in the living conditions of the people for the better. The cumulative effect will be shown on the country economy itself. Rainwater Harvesting will increase the green cover and add to the scenic beauty of the country. Other living species like birds and animals, which depend on the environmental conditions, will be able to thrive better. Simple Rainwater Harvesting methods have the capability of setting the country on the road to prosperity. If the individuals, companies and the government adopt Rainwater Harvesting with a serious concern, then India can be placed on the map of developed countries.

"Each region has it's own quirks, be it wild floods in east or dark droughts in west, or ice storms in north or deadly tides in south, we must make sure our home is adequately weather-proofed for our region."

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